Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Teddy Bear

My teddy bear is all worn out
I've had him all my life
His eye's rubbed off, he lost an ear
There's not much left but snout

He sits at the table in a chair
I take him with me everywhere

When teacher isn't watching
He shows up in class
I have to think quickly
And put him away fast !

The Camel that Barked

I can't say I like camels the least
In fact, they are one of my favorite beasts
I've known one camel since I was young
He likes to lick me with his long, fat tongue
But wait - I'm only dreaming
It's not what it's seeming
Because I just woke up
To find my little pup

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Puppy Dogs

Dogs will keep you warm by sitting on your feet
If they had opposing thumbs, they'd bring you food to eat
Dogs will do whatever you want them to
But most importantly, they'll always love you