Monday, May 31, 2021

Christmas, 2015

 'Twas the night before Christmas, when all around, except for the news, there was nary a sound. The children were grown, except maybe for Missy who snooped for gifts-all of which turned up missing. That's because Santa had not yet flown by; radar locates him over Russia, up high. In the fridge there were goodies, like deviled eggs and fudge, which Blue clearly wanted, with his nose and a nudge. And mama in her leggings and I in my cap had just settled down for an afternoon nap. When what to my sleepy eyes should appear but a fat little man without any reindeer. His timing so bad, it could only be Gene, our nap interrupted and our sugarplum dreams. When all of a sudden a barking arose and Blue came a-runnin', all a twitter, his nose. This message he wants all of you to hear: Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.